February 22, 2011

The last griffo

A story of a the very last griffo.

February 14, 2011


recent prints and paintings

February 10, 2011

Marionetas SA

Un cuento de Ray Bradbury - 2010

February 9, 2011

El hombre imbécil..

Some recent paintings. simple man, nature, that sort of thing
nature, fish, us...


Tom Sawyer

I presented this in Concurs d'il-lustració Proa Espais..sadly it was not selected, but I was happy with the results...

Editorial illustration...

Some recent works....
internet pirating
illustration for lecool barcelona weekly
illustration for lecool barcelona weekly

El Mar y Yo

Un libro para niños titulado El Mar y Yo, escrito e ilustrado en el 2010 .. sigo buscando un editor

9º Concurso Raima de Ilustración y Diseño

La meva obra “Agujero en el cielo?” ha estat finalista del 9è Concurs RAIMA.
My submission was one of the finalist in the 9th Competition of Illustration and 
Design RAIMA, Barcelona 2010 
... and other circ experiments 

Ya Estamos! ... y mas

Algunas de las ilustraciones para revistas infantiles - 2010